
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Starting Fresh...from the Past

About a week ago, I was presented with a challenge to write a story that I haven't touched since I graduated from college back in 1994.  At the time when I wrote the script, I experienced a lot of things that happened almost back to back.  I lost a potential lucrative job offer over fear of the unknown.  I saw co-worker die moments after talking to him a few minutes prior...which led me to write (and eventually co-produce my feature film, RECOIL) a script that forced me to deal with that fateful day.  I almost lost myself to fear back in the day because once I came out of school, I was too scared to move forward with anything.  I wanted to stay in my "comfort zone." But in doing so, I missed out on so many opportunities that I still regret to this very day.

Which brings me to the present...

I am afraid, once again of change, of the unknown, of new things.  I just graduated from Full Sail recently with a new Master's Degree under my belt.  However, the still same old fears continue to rear their heads. Most recently, I was given a challenge to re-write a story that I really didn't want to touch because it reminded me of the turmoil that I dealt with graduating from college with a Bachelor's Degree.  Now, I've started the re-writing process of the story and it has now begun to have a life of its own, the more words that I feed into it.  The challenge for me is to embrace the unknown and stop being so fearful of it. As a result, the story is still in its infancy, but I can see the potential for it to be greater than what it ever was when I initially wrote the story.  All I have to do is overcome my fear of shortcomings, and stop being my own worst enemy to move forward into the future.

Onto the next episode....